Would you rather book tag

The creators: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcZFaBgg7xw&list=UUXcUGWOkjPiLDYVSVWkpIqw

1. Read only trilogies or stand alone’s?

I think I would read trilogies because I really like to get invested in to a story and a world and stand alone’s don’t always give us that.
2. Read only female or male authors?

I’m not really sure for this one as I like both but most of the books I like reading are by females so I’m going to have to say females.
3. Shop at Barnes & Noble or Amazon?

Considering I live in the U.K I would say Amazon

4. All books become movies or t.v. shows?

movies because then they don’t add random thing that aren’t ment to be there

5. Read 5 pages per day or 5 books per week?

Definitely 5 books a week I just don’t think I could stand only reading 5 pages a day.
6. Be a professional reviewer or author?

I always liked the idea of being an author and having a book I wrote out for the general public so I say author
7. Only read your top 20 favourite books over and over or always read new ones that you haven’t read before?

New ones as there are so many new books to read all the time and so many books I haven’t read
8. Be a librarian or book seller?

Book seller
9. Only read your favourite genre, or every genre except your Favourite?

I don’t know as I don’t really have a favourite genre

10. Only read physical books or eBooks?

Physical books any day.!!

So that was the Would you rather book tag and I tag any one who wants to do it.


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